Min Soe Han


working update

2023-03-14 Tuesday 09:50 09:50:27 AM

After getting update of ydotool version 1.0.3-1

[2023-03-13T09:55:53+0630] [ALPM] upgraded ydotool (1.0.2-1 -> 1.0.3-1)

ydotool backed to work by enabling ydotool.service user service, adding user to input group and doing without sudo.

# gpasswd -a username input
$ systemctl --user enable ydotool.service
$ systemctl --user start ydotool.service

Relogin or restart, then it works.

$ ydotool type TESTING

2023-03-12 Sunday 15:18 03:18:00 PM

After getting update of ydotool version 1.0.2-1 in Arch Linux

[2023-03-07T09:34:07+0630] [ALPM] upgraded ydotool (1.0.1-3 -> 1.0.2-1)

doing ydotool without sudo got the following message

$ ydotool type TESTING
Segmentation fault (core dumped)

It happens if the user was added to input group and the ydotool.service user service was enabled and started. And using ydotool without root permission (sudo).

It is because ydotool accesses to /dev/input, root permission (sudo) is needed. But if the user is added to input group, root permission (sudo) is not needed. And adding user to input group also make ydotool.service user service to be able to start ydotoold.

$ systemctl --user enable ydotool.service
$ systemctl --user start ydotool.service

Otherwise ydotoold can not be started even though the ydotool.service user service was enabled and started.


The way working at this moment is to start ydotoold by root permission by putting sudo ydotoold in the autostart file. Edit /etc/sudoers file using visudo, For example;

# EDITOR=nvim visudo

putting the following line below the line of %wheel ALL=(ALL:ALL),

%wheel ALL=(ALL:ALL) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/ydotool, /usr/bin/ydotoold

Then do ~] $ sudo ydotool type TESTING. It is working. But this way should only be temporary, I think.