Min Soe Han

This is minsoehan’s static website using GitHub Pages. It hosts my personal notes, scripts, codes and any other resources. All things on this site are intended for just personal use. Therefore, please use them at your own risk. It is recommended to do your owned research and try to understand what you are doing first.

AUR Helper script

2023-03-12 Sunday 15:01 03:01:50 PM

The dash script to search, download, install and update AUR package in Arch Linux. …

ydotool notes

2023-03-12 Sunday 15:03 03:03:03 PM

After getting update of ydotool version 1.0.2-1 in Arch Linux

[2023-03-07T09:34:07+0630] [ALPM] upgraded ydotool (1.0.1-3 -> 1.0.2-1)

doing ydotool without sudo is not working any more …

yt-dlp notes

2023-03-12 Sunday 15:08 03:08:04 PM

Recently I uninstall youtube-dl and install yt-dlp.

I was surprised when I look at yt-dlp (1) man page. There are many options and options of options. In fact, I just need to download video or audio file with quality as good as possible. I don’t really care this and that. So, I created the following script. …

msh patches for dwl-0.4

2023-03-12 Sunday 16:07 04:07:17 PM

Combination of 5 following patches.

  1. autostart
  2. alwayscenter
  3. cursorwarp (msh edited)
  4. shiftview

2023-03-12 Sunday 19:07 07:07:23 PM

If a zoom link is open in browser, it force to launch zoom application. It is annoying. To join a zoom meeting in browser, the zoom link need to be adjusted. For example, …

git push files

2023-03-12 Sunday 19:09 07:09:19 PM

To push files in a local folder to github repository, go in the folder and run …


phone: 09257313341
email: minsoehan243@gmail.com